
Monday 4 December 2017

Personal Experience - Income as a student

I started earning my own keep during my time in polytechnic due to working experiences accumulated during the break from O levels to poly studies. It felt good not having to ask my mum for pocket money and in a way made me feel that I can lessen the load on my mum. So these are some of the few jobs that I did over time.

1. Fast food cook

 This my first job that I apply and got after my O levels. I was a cook at Long John Silver and was paid $4/hour.

Really tough for me as I worked as a cook and burned myself a few times. I was also required to filter the oil which I thought was rather dangerous.

2. Waitress

This is usually the first part-time that most Singapore students get exposed to. I first started working part-time in a cafe due to the cafe 'fever' where most people spend their weekends with lattes and breakfast platters. With a starting pay of $7/hour, I was pretty pleased and worked during the weekends.

I was lucky to work in a relatively small cafe which was self-service so I only needed to serve and wash the dishes. This was where I start learning to not be so shy and to speak up more.

3. Events (Cashiers & Promoters)

Events was a good platform for me to earn cash within a short period of time. I worked in expo events and also as a promoter for events which can last anywhere from a few days to weeks.

4. Tutoring

 This is how I am currently earning my keep. $20/hour and I teach around 4 sessions per week. Really good platform as I realized that you can keep up with the current syllabus and also because I love interacting with children. Over the past year of tutoring, I realized that the amount of stress that children experienced right now is way more compared to my time.


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing your experience. It is good to learn how to earn your keep. Makes one much more appreciative of the rewards and satisfaction of hard work.

    Jia you!

    1. Hi! Thanks for commenting. Yup, definitely understand the meaning of money once you start working for it. Also, much more value learned!

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience:)

    Curious,are you currently working as you study?

    1. Hi, I'm currently studying full time and working part-time. But right now, I'm having an internship:)

  3. Just curious why do you have two sti etf in your portfolio? :)

    1. Hi, one is Nikko AM STI ETF (SGX:G3B)which replicates the STI index. I purchased units through POSB saver while the other is SPDR Straits Times Index ETF (SGX:ES3).

      Hope that answers your query:)
