
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Wrongly charged on credit card

So recently I went on a trip to Korea and booked all my accommodation through a booking agent. I previously had very smooth bookings with a booking agent and so that's why I decided to use them again.

For my Seoul hotel, I booked a hotel called Hotel PJ Myeongdong initially however, due to some technical error, the booking agent called me and mentioned that it was cancelled.

So I took it as being cancelled however, when I received my credit card bill at the end of the month, I realised that an organisation called OIL TOURIST SEOUL had charged me SGD 210.

I was quite shocked as i tried to recall what did I purchase on that day as most of my things were already paid up for the trip. I decided to call the bank and they told me that it was under a hotel transaction and told me to check with the booking agent.

This was when everything just went bad, I had to email the booking agent so many times about it and they were so adament that it wasn't booked as their system showed that it was cancelled.

In the end, I had to google maps the location and it matched hotel PJ and I sent the screenshot over. Only then did they help me to check with their supplier and the amount was eventually credited back to me.

I used to always ask my mum to GIRO her bills so that she would not need to worry about not paying it but I guess it is really important to look through your bills and make sure that you are not being wrongly charged for anything.


  1. Everything is good until things go wrong. And then it's a whole lot of pain. Glad you got it worked out.

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