
Sunday 24 May 2020

Investing in Hard Times

With news of COVID-19 flooding social media and headlines everyday, it is tough to stay consistent with your investments and some will also face difficulties to continue.

With my job currently being still safe for the time being, I know that the outlook for the end of the year and 2021 is not looking so good. With fresh graduates facing difficulties in finding jobs, investing is the last thing on everyone's mind unless you are an experienced investor or have enough emergency funds set aside.

However, it is actually a good time to start as prices for many companies become attractive. My colleague at work mentioned a few weeks ago to me that she was planning to buy DBS when it was at $18.00 as it was a good price.

But a few days, when I asked her how is it, she hasn't even set up a brokerage account yet, she has a CDP account as she bought some Singapore Savings Bonds previously.

Not that I was persuading her to buy but I did feel that it was a good investment and also because she told me that she has a sum of money with her that she is planning to invest and she already has an emergency fund set aside with extra savings.

Overcoming the inertia to start is one of the biggest step you can take for your investment journey. Once you have started, the rest will follow as you already have the platform to start. 

In current time, a lot of things is on the news and social media. Sometimes, we just need to cut out the noise and continue to invest. I am sure many of us have made use of the recent drop to add on more shares as we find companies that are attractive at their current price.

To invest at this also means that you should only invest what you can, an emergency fund should be set aside and should not be used to invest as the effects of COVID-19 is still not over and it might last for awhile.If you think, you need a more robust emergency savings amount, go ahead and build it up.

With this also being my first major market crash that I have been though, I did feel a little hesitant too but with my RSP set up with FSMone, I am just continuing with it and am also saving up more and will buy in once I have gathered enough cash in my war chest.

To be able to invest is a privilege and I really am very grateful to be able to set money aside every month to invest it. If we all have a chance at allowing money to compound, take the chance and invest but make doubly sure that you have holding power to be able to sleep peacefully in the night.

Happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

I recently registered my blog in Feedspot and was pleasantly surprised that it is among the top 75 Singapore Investment Bloggers. Hope to continue to churn out articles for you guys both on my finances and also personal growth! There are really a lot more amazing people who write so much better there, do check them out and I am sure you will learn so much more from them.

Staying frequently at home and having more time on hand to write is also pretty beneficial to me as I can find something to do on the side besides watching my usual korean dramas and Netflix haha


  1. congratulation on being top 75:),its true some people lack the inertia to start investing and it can be a pain to persuade them

  2. Investing in tough times is difficult for majority of people because of job issues and lockdown situation in most of the countries. But investment in these tough times can be helpful for those who are doing investment on long-term return purpose.
