
Wednesday 10 March 2021

Another year nearer to 30 and maybe to my first $100,000?

Just a really short catch-up/update, it is my birthday today! YAY, *confetti* Another year older and this means nearer to being 30 years old. Recently, I came across this questions on Seedly posted about 2 weeks ago where this user asked, "How do people actually attain $100K by age 30?" 

I am sure many people can provide suggestions to this and depending on what age you are at currently, your savings rate/investments return will differ accordingly. For me, being nearer to 30 (I turn 26 years old today) means that I want to be more financially secure, to having a larger amount both in my emergency funds and investment portfolio. 

Read more: How am I going to achieve $100,000 by age 30.

It definitely requires a lot of discipline and consistent behaviours to be able to slowly build up your investments and funds. For me, by the time I am 30, the $100,000 that I hope to achieve excludes CPF and only time can tell if I will be able to achieve that. 

 Read more: Goals for the Future

Other than that, the past week has been exciting, as Tesla accounts for about 30% of my portfolio, added pre-split and then slowly average up at $400, $600 and $800. With Tesla dropping to about $563, my gains were reduced quite significantly and just last night, it went back and closed at $673.

Reflecting on my birthday this year, even though there are restrictions on social gatherings, I would say that this year has more people gathering to celebrate my birthday and this could be due to the job change that I did recently (more on this on another day). I have come to treasure relationships much more recently although I am someone who doesn't reply frequently and always leaves the person who is texting me hanging because I tend to get immersed in other things. 

This year, I have connected with long-time friends from secondary school, got closer to my poly mates and also made close friends in my current workplace. I am glad for all these. In my investing journey, my current portfolio (stocks + crypto) is about $44,000 SGD. Hope to be able to hit $50,000 SGD by year end. Happy midweek to all! Look out for my new video this weekend!

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