
Saturday 9 May 2020

Strong Mental Health and a Good Mindset (How to build it)

I like to think a lot about things and I tend to think quite negatively at times. I think a lot has to do with my mindset on things. I always admired people who are very persistent in their goals and those who can endure tough times.

Because for me, I know that I will feeble and not as strong. Having a good mindset is very important as the way you communicate, put yourself across and how you deal with success and failure can be seen. It comes together with resilience.

There are definitely ways to build up your mindset on things and how you can perceive events that happen in your life, this is very important ever so in this period of thing as we face COVID-19 and the many events that follow which we might or might not have even thought about.

Below are 5 things that will help me in building a good mindset if I can improve on them.

1. Don't waste time on things you cannot control.
  • Dwelling on things that you cannot control can drain you and make you feel inferior. There are many things that you will not be able to control.
  • This can result in micromanaging, not delegating out tasks and your worries keep you occupied resulting in a waste of time and energy. Identifying your fears or stressors then creating a plan to manage them for example through exercise or meditation. 
  • Remember to then monitor your stress level and eliminate coping strategies like drinking or complaining to others. 
2. Don't worry about pleasing everyone.

  • I am guilty of this definitely, being aware of how others view you can change your behaviour and to be honest, that might not be the real you. Just be kind and who you are, you don't have to please everyone in your life.
3. Challenge yourself and not shy away from change.
  • Taking calculated risks and making sure you take up challenges can give you positive outcome especially so if you end up completing the challenge. 
  • Of course, knowing the potential downside before taking it up is necessary. 
4. Self-talk and respond positively.
  • Self-talk is like prepping yourself and in the long term, positive self-talk can boost your self-esteem. Positivity breeds positivity.
5. Don't give up after facing failure.
  •  Its easy to fell like you are not good enough after failing. But that is not the case because we always learn from failures. For example, if you failed an interview, maybe it was your interview skills or maybe it was just not a good job fit so then after you have identified the failure, you can try again and make it a success. 
It is definitely not easy to implement all the above at one go but slowly starting and doing it can make you a more positive and stronger person as a whole. It can make you handle your success and failures differently.

I am also a work in progress and even more so during this tough period where everything is so uncertain and our emotions all mixed up. We can all work towards a better us and definitely, it's ok to not be working all the time. We do need our breaks :)

To read more about me:

Wanna know more about me?
Click those links!
  1. Total Current Assets - Breaking $10 000 
  2.  Retiring Early and comfortably?- What is FIRE?
  3.  Reflection over my time in University 
  4.  My Financial Goals - Is $100 000 in 7 years possible? 
  5.  Updates on my first week at my new job - Expenses, Colleagues and Environment 
  6. My Current Insurance Coverage - What you should be getting  
  7. April 2020 Portfolio and Some Updates  

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