Monday 7 October 2024

Q3 Portfolio Review | Reaching $150,000 but not there yet

I feel like time is passing really fast, I thought 2024 just started like a few weeks ago haha but now I am writing the portfolio review for the 3rd quarter of 2024. Crazy crazy how fast time pass.

News is also updated at a quick pace, Huawei with the tri-fold phone, then OpenAI raises $6.6 billion, Dyson and Samsung layoffs, Iran and Israel tensions and automation taking over the port and workers striking just to name a few of the bigger news these past few weeks.

Every Tesla shareholder is looking forward to 10.10 as Tesla plans to unveil their robotaxi. There is a lot of excitement building up so we shall see what really comes up on 10.10. Elon is known to build up quite a hype but sometimes disappoint when the product is revealed.

My portfolio has been on a roller coaster ride in Q3, I did pump some extra capital in besides my monthly DCA so the value increased substantially. At the end of September, we were so close to hitting $150,000 but the tensions between Israel and Iran brought the portfolio down. I hold a substantial amount in crypto so the portfolio suffered. I did record the value of the portfolio at the end of September so it has dropped quite a bit since then.


Added a few Palantir shares before the escalation of the Iran and Israel, so far, it proved to be a good decision. Total position of Palantir is not huge in comparison to other holdings. Continuously adding CSPX monthly, not huge since only a few hundred is set to buy and CSPX is currently USD604.87 per share.

Stocks have been steadily growing since Tesla has seen a slight recovery, looking ahead at the interest rate cuts, it has since recovered a little but compared to the other Mag 7, the year has been disappointing. Holding onto my existing position and not adding. Stocks portfolio is slowly inching towards $100,000.


Added quite an amount of crypto with spare cash that I have. Mostly added Bitcoin and Solana, not at the bottom but just accumulating. I do have a strategy to let go a portion if there is a burst and target prices are hit.

I think crypto is like the true rollercoaster ride, it can fall or go up within seconds of something happening. It is so reactive and yet many younger individuals love it including me as it provides returns that is outsized and gives that David And Goliath story with TradiFi. So far, not having huge rewards from it but I have been adding positions to BTC, ETH and SOL. Just these 3, with ETH being my biggest followed by BTC.

Syfe REITs

This is a portfolio that I am accumulating slowly for my later years. Just a couple of hundreds per month but I am thinking of stopping this year end and instead diversify in to REITs in the later years once my portfolio grows.

Total Portfolio

Hoping to end the year with an ATH but it all depends, not expecting anything. Sticking to my DCA-ing and continuing to Q4. I think the tough thing now is to see how long I can last in my job. I do see some instability and automation work being done for my role. Will have to check and maybe upskill in order to stay relevant, not too sure so I will need to research. Planning for travels in 2025 and feeling excited for them. How has your portfolio been looking? In Q4, will it be a bull or bear market?

Affiliate links/Codes:

► Where I store my Cryptocurrencies:
► Ledger: (Earn $10 in BTC)
► Where I buy my stocks:
FSMone Referral: P0364886
Tiger Brokers
Interactive Brokers (Open an account today and start earning up to $1000 of IBKR Stock for free!*Terms and Conditions apply)
►Syfe Trade Referral Code: SRPSL8MGX
►Syfe Wealth Referral Link: SRPSL8MGXE   

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Escaping from Reality and spending so much in the process

I went overseas a few times this year, mostly short period lasting 1 week to a little more than a week. After every trip, I felt refreshed and enjoyed the trip and break from work. With this, I do see myself going overseas once in a while to have a good break from the environment in Singapore.

Singaporeans tend to travel pretty frequently because domestic travel is not really possible although I am sure we do have staycations or going over to JB but we love winter and experiencing the different seasons in other countries that Singapore does not have. Also, our surrounding countries can provide their different cuisines at such a competitive price that it kinda make sense for us to travel once in awhile to reap the benefits.

I realised that going for a trip, inclusive of air tickets, expenditures, travel insurances and lodging, it can add up to a substantial bill just for a break from reality. There are definitely more affordable options but air tickets and accommodations are already a substantial cost due to inflation.

I have also been exposed to slow travel recently and want to do it at least once where I stay in a country for at least a month or longer.

Save to spend? Never ending cycles

I find myself saving but then spend it all when it is time to travel and then begin the process of saving again. I invest and do separate my savings from spending amount but I do think that it is easy to spend everything out if you do not have a plan or if you are not financially savvy.

I kinda really let loose from about a year ago when I saw my investments grow and realise that I should be spending some to have experience and more so to enjoy especially after working hard. The pandemic of course, helped me save as I was able to keep my job and even moved on during that period for a better paying job. I saved more during that period as I ate home cooked meals and wasn’t even spending much.

But now that I have loosen up, online shopping, buying good food and travelling have been adding up. I don’t mind it but I also don’t want to lose control over it so I have been trying to improve it by creating some rules.

Making sure a bucket of wants is being accumulated

Having a separate budget for it is also one way I cope with the extra spending. Of course, some times, it is not as easy if you have a tight income, I would even say that it is not easy to set it aside and not touch it.

I used to save in one bank account and when I had big expenses, I would dip into that, it proved not too good as my saving and spending were together and would get mixed up. Spending some of your hard earned money is nice and I think it is good to loosen up especially if you have adhere to your savings/investments.

Travel is an amazing experience and best to do it when you are young to maximise it

I think travelling can be a tiring and a grueling experience depending on where you travel to and how you plan, you also want to make sure that you are maximising your time overseas and so often than not, you pack your days with activities and places to visit. Just based on that, being young is an advantage because you would have more energy.

I do also realise that being spontaneous can make a trip more exciting, of course, age is not a factor in that but being young means you can do much more activities without being weigh down, especially when you are not travelling with kids.

However, on the other end, travelling is not a cheap expense and some times, you don’t even know the limit because once you are overseas, there might be experiences that will be outside of your budget or if unforeseen circumstances occur eg, faults of systems or breakdown of certain infrastructures or getting ill. So making sure you have sufficient cash before having that trip is equally important. With that, I will be travelling soon for a week long and been looking forward to it.

As to my plan for a slow travel experience, I will need to plan it or be able to work on something as it is not easy to be doing that with a 9-5 job. I am definitely very privileged and grateful to be able to travel frequently. 

Affiliate links/Codes:

► Where I store my Cryptocurrencies:
► Ledger: (Earn $10 in BTC)
► Where I buy my stocks:
FSMone Referral: P0364886
Tiger Brokers
Interactive Brokers (Open an account today and start earning up to $1000 of IBKR Stock for free!*Terms and Conditions apply)
►Syfe Trade Referral Code: SRPSL8MGX
►Syfe Wealth Referral Link: SRPSL8MGXE