Sunday 28 May 2023

I have hit $100,000 in liquid assets! - Cash + Investments + Endowment Plan

Yes, I have finally hit the $100,000 mark! It is not just through my investments although that is my next goal, I am adding up my cash positions, investments (stocks and crypto) and 1 endowment plan value based on surrender value (although it will only be paid out when I am 31 years old). Small milestone checked but DCA-ing continues and life still goes on.

It’s been a very very interesting period as we experience the debt celling discussions, saw Nvidia’s crazy stock price action (thought my eyes saw wrongly when I saw pre-market gains of +75 USD and how AI is slowly taking over the world. With Tesla slowly going up towards $200, QQQ and VOO going up with AI hype increasing tech companies and semiconductor companies gaining, my portfolio has some gains though not as much as Nvidia's gains alone.

How I feel hitting the $100,000 mark

To be honest, I was expecting myself to feel amazing or great hitting $100,000 however I don’t feel that there are any changes. Also because I track my investments separate from cash and endowment plan so the number is not in my face but I don’t feel any huge happiness but I am glad to have achieve it although it may fluctuate especially in this volatile period where my stock and crypto portfolio might drop the next moment depending on how the whole environment is.

Hitting $100,000 is not gonna let me retire but at least I know that my financial habits are leading me in the right way and having build a foundation, I just need to maintain them and if my income increases over time, I can have spare cash to allocate or spend.

My next aim is to build solely my investments (stocks and crypto) to $100,000. I have adopted a lot of automating my purchases and also just sticking to index ETFs as I find individual purchases not efficient considering my small purchases monthly, so I am to be honest feeling a bit lousy as I missed out on the Nvidia gains (my friend did tell me about Nvidia as he knows about the semiconductor industry) but I do hold some AMD shares although not a large amount but still happy to be in it. QQQ and VOO holds some percentage of Nvidia too, so still some gains in the portfolio.

Overall, I think it is great having checked a small milestone although we are unsure of how the stock market will be like in the remaining 2H of 2023.

Thoughts about my portfolio

As I slowly approach my 30s, I do want to build up more cash on hand considering I might get a property when I am 35 (resale HDBs) and HDBs are really not as affordable as ever. Renovation costs are also on the rise including all the miscellaneous cost. So I have to say I have been pretty aggressive in investing but will slowly pivot as I did lose some in crypto and don't want to be allocating so much to volatile assets as I reach 35 years old. When I reach my 30s in about 1 and half years time, I will slowly depending on my income at that time re-allocate my income to holding more cash for spending.

My stocks portfolio is a lot more volatile as about 50% of it is in Tesla stock. That is why I am now adopting a monthly automated buying strategy into index ETFs to balance up the portfolio. The index ETFs proportion was higher in the previous weeks but with Tesla gaining some momentum this week, it’s back to 50/50. Well, I will just keep my monthly index ETFs buys and build it up. But this also means that my portfolio value fluctuates quite a lot but I am all right with it, exciting to be honest.

Well, a great end to the month of May and June will also be an interesting month as we approach the end of Q2. Time really flies but day to day seems long. Take care and excited to see how Q2 portfolio review will look like! I am also happy to have a platform like this blog to document my journey as it feels like I have a place to share my journey and not give up halfway, like a form of accountability, so whoever is reading, thank you too!

You can also find me on

Affiliate links/Codes:

► Where I Buy my Cryptocurrencies:
►Use my referral link or code: evwynu4g57 to sign up
►Gemini: use my code and we'll each get $10 USD of Bitcoin.
► Where I buy my stocks:
FSMone Referral: P0364886
Tiger Brokers (Free stock and commission free trades, check out more here
Interactive Brokers (Open an account today and start earning up to $1000 of IBKR Stock for free!*Terms and Conditions apply)
► Google Pay: v89ph61
►Syfe Trade Referral Code: SRPSL8MGX
►Syfe Wealth Referral Link: SRPSL8MGXE


  1. Hi there!

    Congratulations! Give yourself a little treat and enjoy that feeling as you move towards your next target.

    I always celebrate every little milestone I achieved as an incentive for myself.

    Just to share. These are the steps I went through:

    1. Build wealth (networth). This was mainly thru work income, savings & investing. Took years
    and I am still working at 62.

    2. Invest for passive income. After building up meaningful capital, I started to invest for passive income. Passive income helps me in saving more of my active income until one day (in 2016) I could save 100% of my work income. People said that stage is FI (Financial Independence). My passive income then was $150K a year. Last year it was $227K.

    3. Build up a steady source of passive income. Passive income is not meaningful if its not reliable. So for us that source is the CPF saving. We have been building up our CPF savings so that it can provide us two sources of steady passive income! First source is the yearly interest from OA & SA. The second source is the payout from CPF Life. Combined with dividend from stocks and rental income, we are looking at over $200K a year of passive income!

    Anyway, I talked too much. Congratulations once again. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks! Appreciate the sharing, and yes, working my way there:) In the meantime, a small treat for myself is definitely on the way!

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  2. Congratulations on hitting the 100k mark

  3. I will become a minister at the Government of Singapore by the age of 35.

  4. No, though I can chop off your penis if you want.
