Sunday, 18 February 2024

How my investments in 2024 will go | Plan for 2024, am I still holding onto TSLA?

The first month of 2024 has just passed and already my portfolio is facing some downward pressure. If you are not aware, I do have a substantial percentage of my portfolio in Tesla, with the recent months of adding QQQ, the percentage has gone down but it is still about 30% of my whole portfolio which can have huge impacts considering it’s share price after the recent Q4 2023 results.

The share price has fallen below $200 and we do see some selling pressure as the outlook for 2024 seems rather dull judging by what was said and in the AI innovation portion, Elon Musk was rather negative on the innovation especially when it was related to the Dojo supercomputer as he mentioned that a hedge would be to get Nvidia’s GPUs. So how then am I investing in 2024 and am I letting go of all my Tesla shares?

Hold or let it go

It really goes back to why I invested in Tesla in the first place, I can justify that they still have a lot to achieve and have the potential for huge growth ahead but we can see some obstacles ahead as we do not see the exponential growth that was set originally. Additionally, Elon Musk seems to be facing various pain points in gaining the majority stake in the company which will allow him to do what he wants or think is the best for the company.

Although Tesla is an innovative company but it now has grown to a substantial size and with great power comes great responsibility so it seems tough for Elon to have control over how he hopes to navigate or organise the company. It also seems like Elon has a lot of haters although there are many who also stand by Tesla. I still am holding to my Tesla shares and will be seeing how it goes.

What am I doing while holding

I am adding QQQ as this AI growth has benefited numerous companies and some of the magnificent 7 has seen good growth and opportunities like Meta and Microsoft and of course Nvidia. I am now more into index investing while doing covered calls, so no individual stocks as I have mentioned previously. No plans to trim any of my individual stocks at the moment.

Things are not fixed, action as we go along

With all that being said, all plans are not fixed and it might changes as things happen considering the markets and economy is really volatile. Everyday, we are hearing of layoffs as companies stay lean and slowly incorporate AI into their work streams.

I can also see it in my company as we are a technology company though not part of the big tech but it is still going through some changes as we adapt and accept that AI will be taking over some of the mundane and repetitive work.

The price action for Tesla shares have been in a rout as we do see negative outlook on it as interest rate remains high, comparing Tesla with Nvidia, Microsoft and Amazon, it is rather painful. Some times, I do wish that it has been allocated to maybe Nvidia so the growth recently would have been exponential.

I do see how Tesla can grow in time to come but short term, it looks really tough for it to break out especially since the automobile sector is what it is in focus for now, there are many other energy sectors that Tesla is developing but for now, it seems tough with profit and growth not as predicted and share prices being compressed.

We shall look back again at the end of Q1, Q2, Q3 and 2024 to see how it all goes, in the meantime, QQQ is my building block.

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