The circuit breaker (CB) was extended on 21 April 2020 till 1 June 2020 as the number of cases that we get each day are still pretty high. With that also came more measures to ensure that the amount of people out and about is reduced.
Bubble tea and standalone stores that predominantly sells certain items are to be closed to reduce the amount of traffic everyday.
I do understand the strict measures and extended CB because the Government really wants the numbers to be reduced so that people can get back to work and our economy can start again as certain industries are really hit hard by the CB.
With the Government's job support scheme (JSS), jobs are still secured in a way as there is relief provided to the companies where the Government will co-fund the first $4,600 of gross monthly wages paid to each local employee for 9 months. There are three levels of support for employers in different sectors as mentioned here.
Even if we start work on 1 June 2020, I believe social distancing will still be in place to ensure that physical contact can be reduced. For companies that have large amount of employees, alternate teams or worksite might be in place.
Life will not be like it was before the virus until after a period of time. During this period, everyone has had to be very agile as announcement and changes were made very frequently and even more so for foreign workers with work passes as MOM releases a lot of different advisories for them to follow.
Yesterday, there was the singalong to 'Home' where everyone would sing in support for our frontline and migrant workers. I have to say that I was touched when I heard people singing along and flashing their flashlight as it seems that everyone was in unison and wanted to really get this whole virus thing out.
At times like these, even the slightest encouragement can mean so much, just a nice gestures to someone can definitely brighten their day. We are now allowed to hang the Singapore flag as support and I do think it is a good initiative. My friends and I havent really video call each other as we are all kinda passive when it comes to initiating but I took the courage to video call them today and they really liked it. HAHA, I think I might video call them more often.
Almost half the year would have passed when 1 June 2020 comes, time flies and 2020 has really been crazy so far. Take care and enjoy the time at home.
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